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St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

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Nursey Blog 2024-2025

  Welcome Back - Academic Year 2024/2025


W/C 02/09/2024

Welcome Back!
We have now said goodbye to all the children who left us to start at the big school and have said a BIG hello to many new friends who joined us in the nursery at the start of this term.
We have had a very busy couple of weeks all getting to know each other, playing together, having lots of fun, and making new friends.
We have also been excited to welcome Miss. Dennis into nursery too.
We look forward to enjoying many fun times together over the next few weeks.
Watch this space!

 W/C 15/07/24

Two weeks ago, we had some surprise visitors come to nursery........ Superhero’s arrived. Batman and his team sent lots of letters to the children setting them missions to do before the end of term, he told them that if they completed them then they could all become superheroes too.

Their missions involved making wrist bands and shields, rescuing the trapped superhero's, taking part in a physical activity challenge, and putting their hands into the secret feely boxes to say what they could feel. For their final mission they were sent on a superhero hunt in Welly Wood.

On the last day of term Batman was delighted to tell the children that they had successfully completed all the missions he had set, and they could now join his superhero team.

What a fun fortnight we have all had.

W/C 24/06/24


This week in nursery we have done lots of lovely learning using our senses.

The children were keen to explore with the jelly that we had made, cutting, and mixing it with the plastic spoons and tools. When they held it in their hands they used some lovely language to describe it, saying it felt "squishy and squashy" and when they sniffed it they said it smelt like strawberries.

We were then very excited as the time had come to pick the potatoes that we planted back in April. As the plants were pulled from their containers the children were amazed to see all the different sized potatoes that had grown. We all used our mathematical skills as we counted them out as a group, and then one by one the children had the opportunity to pick three different sized potatoes to take home. Some of them were keen to look at the roots of the plant, one child said she thought it looked like string.

What a busy week we have had.


W/C 17/06/24

This week in nursery the children have had lots of fun in our outdoor area. They enjoyed experimenting with the powder paints, adding water, and watching how it changed from the powder to a liquid. They described all the different colours they saw and observed how the sun made it turn from wet to dry.

Later in the week they used their gross motor and creative skills to decorate the cardboard house we had made. They painted with lots of different colours and made some lovely patterns. One of the children used their mathematical skills to paint a number on the door of the house.


W/C 10/06/24

This week in nursery the children have had lots of physical fun. They began by practicing for Sports Day where they took park in running, balancing, and throwing activities enjoying both individual and team games.

Later in the week, they went over to the big school where they joined with Reception to take part in Yoga. They listened to the instructions and followed the movements shown to them by the yoga teacher they displayed great balance and control skills.


W/C 03/06/24

During the half term holidays one of the nursery children went on holiday to Majorca. She enjoyed telling the group all about the jellyfish she had seen, describing them in detail. The next day using their creative skills the children made some beautiful jellyfish of their own.

Then following on from our story of the week 'Super worm' the children made their own worms by threading the cheerio’s on to pipe cleaners. They also enjoyed using their physical skills to explore the spaghetti worms.



W/C 20/05/24


This week we have had lots of fun building with different resources. The children have used their imagination to create with a purpose in mind. Exploring different textures, shapes, and sizes.

Well done nursery! 




W/C 13/05/24


This week we have been busy planting our runner beans. The children were a bit disappointed to find out that one bean had been eaten. Who could have eaten it? Some children thought it was Peter Rabbit and others found lots of slimy slugs and snails nearby.

So this week we have continued to have lots of fun looking for snails. We enjoyed watching the snail move and leaving a slimy trail. The children were very curious and asked lovely questions.

At lunch time the children left the snail on the tough tray with lots of nice green leaves to eat. After dinner, the snail was nowhere to be found.

Watch this space!

W/C 06/05/24

 This week we have learnt all about the Hungry Caterpillar. The children learnt about the life cycle of a caterpillar from egg, to caterpillar then to cocoon and finally, it turning into a beautiful butterfly. 

Next, they had the opportunity to make their own butterfly. Using their physical and creative skills they put the coloured paints on the butterfly template and then folded it in half and pressed down to mix the paints together. When they opened the butterfly up, they had made some amazing patterns and colours.

W/C 29/04/24

Green Fingers!

This week we have been discussing about what we are going to plant in our vegetable garden. The children have filled pots with soil and planted a seed. Through growing their own vegetables, the children will learn how living things need to be cared for, fed and watered- just like them.

The children will carefully watch them grow and hopefully be able to take some vegetables home to cook with their family. 

Well done children, great planting!


W/C 22/04/24


Our story of the week 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'

This week in Nursery our focus has been on the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children have enjoyed acting out the story and making the porridge for the bears. It was lovely to hear them joining in with the refrains ' Who's been eating my porridge? Using different voices for daddy, mummy and baby bear.

The children have also explored size, thinking about different vocabulary such as big, medium and small. 

 A lovely week of learning, well done Nursery!



W/C 15/04/24

 Welly Wood

This week we enjoyed a dry day in the woods. We had lots of learning opportunities to explore. We found lots of worms and slugs. We talked to the children about how to care for the natural environment and all the living things. They learnt to look under logs to find all the creepy crawlies and look through the magnifying glasses to make them bigger.

The children also did lots of experimenting by making mud pies and potions.

W/C 08/04/24

A Windy Day

It was a very windy day. So the children had expressed an interest in talking about kites. We talked about how they would react in the wind and how they would move.

So we decided to make our own kites. The children decorated them using their creative skills.

We then went outside to explore what would happen. The children learnt that when the wind was stronger, or when a gust came; their kites got higher and flew further away from them. When the wind got weaker the kites floated nearer to the ground.

We all had great fun flying them.


W/C 18/03/24


Easter Fun

This week we have continued to have lots of fun celebrating Easter with lots of activities and games.

On Tuesday the children were very excited to bring their Easter Bonnets and take part in the school Easter bonnet parade, they were all amazing!

We welcomed two local residents into our Nursery on Thursday who have close links with the village church. They read the children the Easter story and gave each child a lovely planting activity to take home. We are very grateful for their time and effort.

The children also enjoyed going on an egg hunt in the outside area. Then afterwards we all enjoyed eating hot cross buns for our snack.



W/C 11/03/24

This week we have been exploring with lots of science activities, giving the children lots of opportunities to predict what might happen at the end.
The magnets were very popular. The children enjoyed testing what was magnetic and what was non-magnetic. Feeling the different forces from them.
The children have also enjoyed watching the potatoes chit. They are now ready for planting. The children will now learn how to look after them and eventually pick them and take them home to eat.


W/C 04/03/24



We came into the nursery dressed as our favourite book characters. Some of our outfits included Paddington Bear, Spider-Man, Snow White, and Princess Belle. All the children looked amazing!

We read lots of stories together and even acted some of them out in the outside area. The children enjoyed making houses for the story of " The Tree Little Pigs". Using the creative skills they built them together from the crates and plastic pipes.
The children voted to see which one of their favourite books we read, and we were very lucky to have some volunteers come in and join us in the nursery to read stories to the children too.


W/C 26/02/24



In Nursery, we have been having lots of fun exploring space!

The children have been busy creating space pictures, painting planets and making aliens. Over the week we have also shared lots of space related stories . Our favourite been " Aliens in Underpants"

We watched a really rocket taking off on the I pad and we all enjoyed counting backwards from ten to blast off!

Our role play area was transformed  into a space station where the children could enjoy been astronauts.

 A lovely week of learning all about space!

W/C 19/02/24

Chinese New Year- The year of the Dragon!

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year- The year of the Dragon!

We transformed our home corner into a Chinese restaurant and takeaway.

We made dragon pictures, lanterns , Chinese lucky envelopes and preformed a dragon dance using the musical instruments. We also learnt how to say hello in the Chinese language.

We even tried some real Chinese food using chopsticks, it was very tricky but we all had lots of fun experimenting.

This week we have learnt all about the Chinese cultures, clothes, language, traditions and food.




W/C 05/02/24

We're all going to the zoo tomorrow!!
Following a visit to the zoo by one of the nursery children, our focus shifted to discussing zoo animals, sparking an enthusiastic conversation among the children.
The children talked about having a zoo animal at the nursery. So we used our thinking skills and wrote a letter to the zoo keeper to see if he would send us an animal to the nursery.
We were very excited when Gerald the giraffe turned up. Then the next week a very cheeky monkey arrived. The children loved looking after them.
Then this week another special delivery came, but the children were very shocked to find some false teeth in the box. They were very curious and asked lots of questions like; where they came from. Who do they belong to?
We then talked about how we look after our teeth.
We're going to the zoo, zoo tomorrow, how about you?


W/C 29/01/24

NSPCC Number Day

We have enjoyed celebrating and supporting the NSPCC number day at nursery.

We came dressed with numbers on our clothes and enjoyed dancing to different number songs and rhymes. 

The children really enjoyed the number game outside. They used their mathematical skills to collect the correct amount of items on their chosen card.


 W/C 22/01/24

RSPB's Garden Watch

This week we were very excited to join in with the big garden bird watch. This allows children to connect into and learn about the natural world around them.

The children made their very own binoculars using their creative skills, and then we all went on a lovely walk around the wood bird spotting . We were lucky to see some birds and hear lots of lovely singing from them.

Back at nursery the children loved hiding in the camouflage bird watching area, waiting to identify the different birds and mark them off on their tally sheet.



W/C 15/01/24

Exploring Ice.

This week we have been exploring what happens to ice when we bring it indoors.
Spider-Man and the dinosaurs got frozen in the water after being left outside all night. The children had to work out how to get them out. We talked about what we could use, to free them. 
The children expressed some lovely ideas and had great fun at the same time. 
This week we have learnt that ice is frozen water, and when ice warms up, it melts and turns back into water.
Later in the week, we went on a lovely Winter walk around Welly Wood and the school grounds where the children were able to use their fine motor skills to mark make in the frost.
What a lovely week of learning it has been, well-done children!

 W/C 08/01/24

Happy new year and welcome back.

It was lovely to welcome the children back after the festive break. Plus welcoming lots of new children to the setting. They have had a great week exploring their new surroundings and learning new rules. It's been lovely watching them build positive relationships in the setting with their peers.

W/C 18/12/23

Happy Christmas.
What a busy few weeks it has been!
The children have loved counting down to Christmas and have taken part in so many festive activities.
It was lovely seeing so many parents and grandparents come to see the children take part in the Reception and Nursery Christmas songs around the Christmas tree. We were so proud of the children, they did so well to grasp the songs and actions.
Also, the cheeky Elves arrived. They have been up to lots of mischief and the children have had lots of fun with them.
 We also enjoyed learning about the Christmas Nativity story and making Christingles and taking part in the school service. 
Happy holidays everyone!


W/C 27/11/23

 Making Lunch

This week the children took a great interest in making their own sandwiches for lunch. We talked about washing our hands before touching the food to "get rid of germs". 
The children carefully spread the butter using a palette knife. We also talked about the dangers in the kitchen and how some knives can be very sharp. They then chose their own fillings and placed them onto the bread.
Then, the children independently cut their sandwiches into halves and quarters. They used mathematical skills to estimate and count how many sandwiches they had altogether.
Lots of lovely learning this week!!



W/C 20/11/23


Goldilocks and The Three Bears
This week we have been working on the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears, we have continued to look at small, medium, and big measurements. 
We made real porridge, which the children loved! We talked about the texture before and after it was cooked.
We also encouraged the children to use different props to act out the story.
The children also used their creative skills to make their very own bear masks.
A lovely week of learning !!

W/C 13/11/23

 Diwali and Children In Need. 

This week in Nursery we have been learning about the Hindu celebrations of Diwali, the festival of lights. We have talked about how we are all different but all very special. The children have been busy making diva lights and Rangoli patterns using coloured rice.

Also, this week the children were very excited to welcome a very special visitor, Pudsey Bear. The children have had great fun doing lots of bear activities. They used their fine and gross motor skills to make a Pudsey from the play dough.
A great week of learning!!!

W/C 06/11/23

Bonfire night and Remembrance Day activities.
This week the children were very excited to share their experiences about all the bonfires and fireworks that they saw over the weekend. They had great fun making their own fireworks and bonfires using different materials using their creative ideas and thinking.
We talked about the dangers of fire in our environment too. 
Also, this week we have talked about Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies. We used collage skills to create our own poppies.


W/C 23/10/23

Pumpkin and Vegetable Soup

This week the children really enjoyed looking inside the pumpkin and guessing how many seeds there were inside. They used their sensory skills to feel and smell the texture. They found different tools to stir their soup using their gross motor skills.

They added different resources to their soup and they said, how yummy it looked. We also talked about vegetables, and how healthy they were for our body. 

W/C 16/10/23

This week we have been discussing Autumn, and how our environment has changed with leaves falling and colder weather. The children have collected their own Autumn treasures to create and explore with. They made hedgehogs from the dough and drew their very own leaf man.

The pumpkin was very popular. The children used their fine and gross motor skills to hammer the golf tees into the pumpkin.

W/C 09/10/23

This week we really enjoyed listening to the story, 'Mrs 'Blackhat'. The children expressed great excitement when we talked about potions and spells.

Leading on from the story the children continued to have an interest in making their potions. They also enjoyed creating their own magic spells.
A great sensory activity for the children to explore and get involved in.

W/C 02/10/23

This week we have had lots of fun finding worms, slugs, and ladybirds. We have been learning how we care for living things in the environment. As well as having lots of discussions about what we notice about different creepy crawlies. 

  W/C 25/09/23

The children were very excited to find lots of runner beans in our vegetable garden. They enjoyed experimenting with them by picking, counting, sizing, and weighing them using lots of numeracy skills. We also talked about how good vegetables were for the body.

 W/C 18/09/23

It's been lovely to welcome all our new children and to see our old children after the Summer break.
We have enjoyed lots of activities and games to develop our friendships and social skills.
The children have been very busy using their creative skills to explore the magnetic shapes. The trucks have also been very busy moving the gravel.

W/C 10/07/23


The pirates moved in over the weekend and took over the nursery!
The children were very excited to find a treasure chest, but when they realised that the pirates had taken all the treasure, they were not amused. 
So, the little hearties had to find ways of completing challenges throughout the week to try and find the treasure. 
They enjoyed role-playing in our fabulous pirate ship and submarine.

W/C 03/07/23

 Another day at the police station

The children have been showing a great interest in taking on the role of a police officer.
We decided to create a police station, the children have been using props and costumes to act out scenarios, they especially like putting members of staff through the security gates and into jail.
We also talked about how to keep safe, stranger danger, and road safety.
Keep safe everyone!

W/C 26/06/23

Growing Potatoes

In April, the children planted potatoes, and since then they have been busy looking after them and watching them grow. After a long wait, the potatoes were finally ready to pick. 
The children were very excited to touch, count and sort the potatoes as they picked them. 
The children went home with a few potatoes in a bag with a little bit of mint to explore what would happen when they were cooked.
We are now eagerly waiting to pick our runner beans!

 W/C 19/06/23

Making perfumes and potions
At nursery this week we have enjoyed making perfumes and potions. The children used flower petals and herbs to create their own scents. They used their senses to touch and smell and their physical skill to stir the potions and separate the petals.
The children showed high levels of engagement and demonstrated the characteristics of effective learning.

W/C 12/06/23

Father's Day 
This week the children have really enjoyed creating Father's Day cards and pictures. They used their own critical thinking and imagination to design them.
The children then talked about all the different jobs that their daddies did and took a great interest in telling us what they would like to do when they are older. 

W/C 5/06/23

Planting Runner Beans

The children have loved getting involved in planting and caring for the runner beans over the last couple of weeks. They were amazed that the beans had grown so fast from the seeds.
So, they were very excited to plant them into the nursery vegetable garden, to see how high they will grow. Watch this space !!

The children have also been very eager to see if they could find any strawberries.

 W/C 22.05.23 

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Blast off !!

This week we've had lots of fun learning about space. The children took a great interest in building their very own space station and buggy.
We looked at the different planets and the children used their fine and gross motor skills to roll the marbles in the paint to create their own planets.
The story of the week was Aliens in Underpants. In Welly Wood, the children were amazed to find stolen underpants hanging in the trees.
Watch this Space!!

W/C 15.05.23

Miniebeast Hunt

The nursery children have been exploring the school grounds to find Minibeasts. We were very excited to find Beatles, Ants, Worms, Centipedes, Slugs, and Dragonflies.

To extend their knowledge further we then discussed the different types of Minibeasts and where they might live. We used magnifying glasses to enlarge the insects.

We then came back and played with the pretend Minibeasts and had lots of fun.

 W/C 08.05.23


This week we have enjoyed looking at how we grow a vegetable from seed. The children took great interest in planting seed runner beans, carrots, sunflowers, and lettuce. Over the next few weeks, they will be watching the seeds germinate and they will learn what a seed needs to grow.
When the vegetables have grown, we are going to replant them in our vegetable garden.

W/C 01.05.23

Coronation Celebrations

The children have had a wonderful week learning about King Charles' Coronation. We started off the week by discussing the purpose of a Coronation and looked at past videos.
To mark the event the children took a great interest in building their own carriages. Making castles, crowns, hobby horses, and musical instruments. Role-playing by dressing up as kings and queens.
To finish the week, we had a lovely tea party, followed by games and dancing.

W/C 24.04.23


In welly wood this week we looked at the natural textures and patterns in the environment. Some children used their fine motor skills to mark make by creating a bark rubbing.
Other children were fascinated to find a rabbit hole. They enjoyed exploring looking through the magnifying glasses to see if he was still in his burrow. Watch this space!

W/C 17.04.23

Signs of Spring 

Nursery enjoyed going on an adventure when we walked around the school grounds this week. We used our different senses to look and listen and smell the different signs of Spring.
We talked about seasonal changes and looked at different trees and buds. The children then came back to the nursery and used the paints to create their own flowers. 

W/C 27.03.23


Nursery has been learning all about Easter this week. The children have enjoyed taking part in a range of fun activities.

At the beginning of the week, we joined the school's Easter Bonnet parade to show off all of our fancy Easter bonnets.

We enjoyed our Easter snack of hot cross buns and had a fantastic Easter egg hunt in our outside area.

Happy Easter Everyone!

W/C 20.03.23

This week the children have been busy thinking about what vegetables they would like to plant in our garden.
The children really enjoyed having the hands-on experience of planting our potatoes this week. Real experience is so valuable to the children’s learning and development, as well as their knowledge and understanding.
They will learn how to care for and observe the signs of growth, eventually dig the produce and take them home to cook.

 W/C 13.03.23

Science Week

This week we had lots of fun taking part in a range of science experiments! These included the lava lamp, sinking and floating. Making a rainbow by adding water and skittles. To extend the children's knowledge further, they used their own thinking and creative skills to make up their own experiments.

W/C 06.03.23


The children in nursery have been very curious about Volcanoes after one child created his own from play dough.
In the moment planning we were able to lead this by showing the children a special experiment. We made our very own erupting volcano, from vinegar, food colouring and Bicarbonate Soda.
Later on, in our welly wood session, the children explored and used their thinking skills to make their very own volcano from logs and sticks.
Some children used their fine motor skills to draw a volcano.
Super learning children!

 W/C 27.02.23

World Book Day

We had a brilliant World Book Day in nursery. The children and staff had lots of fun dressing up as their favourite book character and everyone looked amazing.

Throughout the day we read lots of lovely stories . The children talked about their favourite book and did some lovely acting with the puppet show.

Later we joined Reception at the big school for bedtime stories.

W/C 13/02/23


Pancake Fun!

Nursery celebrated Pancake Day with some yummy pancakes.  We enjoyed talking about all of the different ingredients, and what they smelt, tasted, and felt like.
Outside, the children had a go at flipping their own “pancakes” using frying pans. This was a lot of fun and gave us a chance to practice our hand-eye-co-ordination skills and gross motor development.

W/C 06/02/23

Exploring Magnets

The children enjoyed exploring with the magnets and seeing how they stuck together with metal objects such as keys and spoons. They explored and talked about the different forces that they could feel.
Magnet play, helps the children develop their coordination, increase their fine motor skills and learn ways of problem-solving.

W/C 30.01.23


Bird Watching

As the great British Bird Watch took place last weekend, we got crafty and decided to make our very own binoculars.
The next day we were very excited to use them in welly woods to see what we could find. We saw a few birds, plus we spotted a bird’s nest high up in the tree.
We also created a lovely bird-watching area.
It’s fair to say we’ve had lots of fun learning about the birds in our lovely environment.


WC 23/01/2023


Happy Chinese New Year 

This week we had lots of different opportunities to explore Chinese New Year. We learnt that Chinese New Year is an important festival in the Chinese Calendar. 

We learnt all about China and the diverse culture. We looked at the big world map to find where China was, and then found England and compared the size of each country. 

The children learnt all about the lucky Chinese envelopes, which the children made using their creative skills.  

We then had the opportunity to try some real Chinese food, using chopsticks to eat it with. Today we celebrated by doing a dragon dance and playing musical instruments. 

What a lovely week of learning. 

W/C 16/01/2023 

The Winter weather this week gave the children many opportunities to explore the changes in our environment.
On our Winter walk we found lots of crunchy leaves and ice. We used our physical skills to jump on them to create a crunchy sound.
Overnight we filled balloons with water and food colouring . Next morning the children were so excited to see the water had turned into ice. They used their sensory skills to explore the patterns and shape that the ice had formed.
Throughout the day the children watched the ice melt. They used their mathematical skills to predict how long it would take for the ice to melt.

W/C 09.01.23

Aeroplane Role Play
This week the children took a great interest in pretending to take off in an aeroplane.
They made their own passports and boarding cards using their fine motor skills to mark make. They looked at the globe and decided which country they would like to travel to, extending their knowledge and understanding about the world around them.
The children took it in turns to role play the different characters on the plane. The air hostess helped the passengers to sit in the numbered seats. Food and drink was served through out the flight.
Super learning !!!

W/C 02/01/23

This week the children have been learning about healthy foods and how to look after their teeth. They enjoyed having a practice at cleaning the crocodiles teeth. They did lots of circles and up and down movements on his teeth.

We also focused on what foods and drinks are good or bad for us. The children used their thinking skills to sort the good and bad foods into the correct baskets.

W/C 12/12/22

Our children have been extremely busy over the festive season. The children enjoyed creating their own Christmas cards using their own critical thinking to design them. They used their fine motor skills to peel sprouts and their mathematical skills to count and weigh them.

We learnt all about the Christmas story and enjoyed taking part in the Christmas play with Reception in the big school hall.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

W/C 5th Dec

This week the nursery children made their own Christingles and learnt all about the meaning of them . Later in the day, we took part in the Christingles service led by Rev Hazel in the school hall. All the candles glowed beautifully.
The countdown to Christmas is on, we’ve been very busy working in the post office, weighing presents and sending letters and cards.
Also, the children have been learning and acting the Christmas story out.

W/C 28th Nov


Road Safety - This week the children used their physical skills to ride the scooters and bikes. We talked about keeping safe particularly when crossing the road. The children used road signs to practice some of the safety rules. 

We used our maths skills to park our cars in the number spaces.

W/C 21st Nov

After watching the NASA space rocket take off in Florida.

The children wanted to make their own space centre. We used our knowledge and understanding skills to learn about the planets. They dressed up and pretended to be an astronaut and used their fine motor skills to draw rockets.

We had great fun counting backwards to “blast off” launching our rockets into space.

W/C 14th Nov


We have had lots of fun in nursery celebrating Children in Need. We talked about why we celebrate it and what we raise the money towards. 

The children then enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities throughout the day.

They made and decorated Pudsey pictures, using their fine motor skills to draw and colour in his spotty bandana. They also made a Pudsey ears head band, and later on they had fun creating their own Rice Krispie cakes, covering them in sprinkles to represent the spots.

W/C 7th Nov 

At nursery we talked to the children about the many important people who helped to keep us safe a long time ago. We said the poppy flowers help us to remember and say thank you to those special people, we also made our very own special poppies and created lots of poppy collages.
The children also enjoyed working together to create their very own castle. They independently chose their own resources to extend their critical thinking. Afterwards, they spent a long time role playing with the soldiers.
We also observed a minute silence and listened to the Last Post music.

W/C 31st Oct


This week in Nursery we have been learning about the Hindu celebration of Diwali, the Festival of Lights. We talked about different cultures and how lovely it is to learn about them.

The children took part in lots of activities, they decorated Diva lights and Rangoli design patterns. We used our math skills and scales to weigh, and our critical thinking skills to work out if we had more or less.

We also looked at the big world map to extend our knowledge and understanding.

What a lovely week of learning together! 

 W/C 17th Oct 


Pumpkin Fun - The children were very eager this week to make pumpkin soup.  We used our fine motor skills to peel the sprouts, and our senses to smell the parsley.  We talked about where the vegetables came from, and where they might grow.  Later we turned our pumpkins into a bird feeder.

W/C 10th October 


This week we talked about hedgehogs and how they hibernated in the winter, the children collected their own resourced from the woods to make a hedgehog.  They walked around the woods to find a nice warm home to place their hedgehogs.

  W/C 3rd October 

This week the children looked at the changes that Autumn brings.  In the woods we collected leaves and used our critical thinking to match colours and numbers.  Back at nursery we used conkers to make patterns by rolling them in the paint.  We created our own Autumn trees using our fine motor skills to stick, colour and paint. 


W/C 26th September 


We were delighted to welcome the church visits back into nursery.  The children enjoyed listening to the storey about Reverend Freddie Fisher and his cat "Puddles".  The church activity was to make a potato person to represent Autumn and Harvest time.  Reverend Hazel also showed us some lovely photos of the church in the village.

W/C 19th September 


It was lovely to welcome all the children back in September.  We made lots of friends, new and old.  The children were excited to be able to use the daily mile track that school had installed over the summer holiday.  We enjoyed various group activities to develop our friendship and social skills.

 W/C 4th July

This week in nursery we turned the room and outside area into an amazing jungle full of exciting jungle animals and exciting adventures. We made our very own giraffe, elephant and crocodiles out of boxes. They used their gross motor skills to paint and decorated them. The children also enjoyed playing with the jungle animals in the outside jungle tough tray . 

W/C 20th June 

This week in nursery the children enjoyed joining in with Sports Day with Reception, and had lots of fun taking part in lots of fun races like "welly wanging" and the obstacle course race. Well done to all the children - you all did amazingly! 
In Welly Wood, the children also enjoyed making dens, and some children even made cement by mixing water and soil, which they then placed on the bricks to make a house

W/C 13th June 



This sunny week in nursery the children enjoyed having their feet painted to make colourful footprints for their Father's Day gifts, and using their imagination and creativity to make beautiful Father's Day cards - decorating them with lots of different craft resources. In Welly Wood the children used their fine and gross motor skills to draw different insects we can find in the wood, copying from the pictures we had hanging up in the wood.

W/C 6th Jun

This week in nursery the children enjoyed using their imagination and creativity to build amazing castles and houses with the natural resources, adding detail by decorating with the pretty stones, conkers and other resources. We also planted our runner beans in our nursery garden and we talked about how to stop the naughty rabbits getting them, so they grow well - we put up some netting to protect them and keep them safe.

W/C 23rd May 

This week in nursery the children had lots of fun celebrating Jubilee Week. The children were excited to discover the outdoor area had been totally transformed - the children enjoyed role playing in the Queen's castle, playing the musical instruments performing at the Royal Variety Performance in our very own London Palladium, and working together to make a fantastic crown - using sticks and grass and other resources from Welly Wood.

The children also enjoyed squirting water out of the water bottles to help put out The Great Fire of London, using their fine motor skills. Some children also sat down around the table together for the Queen's Tea party

 W/C 16th May 

This week in nursery the children had fun when we added powder paints to the rain water in the puddles, the children enjoyed jumping in the puddles and watching the colours mix together - making some pretty colours. The children also enjoyed planting seeds in Welly Wood - and are excited to watch and grow their own herbs and sunflowers. A group of children also worked brilliantly together to make their very own swing in Welly Wood - using resources from the wood and rope. 

W/C 9th May 


In Nursery this week we had fun playing parachute games with the balls - helping the children practice their counting and positional language. Also following one of the children telling us they had a poorly cat, we extended this by setting up a Vets roleplay area. Where the children dressed up as a vet and were able to look after the soft toy animals, and make them better. The children were also busy enjoying watching our potatoes grow - they loved watching the changes as the potatoes grew from seeds, and learned that they need water and sunlight to grow.

W/C 2nd May 

We have enjoyed a lovely week in Nursery. In Welly Wood the children enjoyed playing a number matching activity, where they found the correct number of various items from the wood to place on the number squares. The children have also been learning about how to look after their teeth - using a toothbrush to clean the toy dinosaurs' teeth. The children enjoyed this activity so much, we lead the activity on by letting the children mark make with paintbrushes and their fingers - making patterns in the shaving foam.

W/C 25th April 

This week in nursery, we have had lots of fun being Pirates! The children made a pirate ship with tyres in Welly Wood - sitting inside the tyres, the children sang "Row, Row, Row your Boat", and they enjoyed pretending they were travelling to a beach looking for treasure. We also made pirate props such as masks, treasure maps and the children followed the maps looking for treasure. 

W/C 4th April 

This week in nursery, we had lots of fun celebrating British Science Week (Growth) - conducting lots of fun science experiments, such as making little volcanoes with different ingredients. The children were fascinated and enjoyed watching the lava bubble up and over. We also had fun looking at worms in Welly Wood, and measuring them - finding out which were the longest and shortest, using the tape measure. We also planted grass seeds, herbs and rubber beans and got the potatoes ready to plant - talking about what they will need to grow. Over the coming weeks the children will be watching, looking at their growth and measuring them - extending their knowledge and understanding of the world and how things grow.

W/C 28th March


This week in nursery, we have been learning about the lifecycle of a frog, and looking at numbers and number recognition. As the weather suddenly changed and it started snowing, through in the moment planning, we decided to bring in some snow and the children painted the snow different colours and enjoyed watching the colours mix together as it melted. _

W/C 14th March 



This week in nursery, we had lots of fun celebrating British Science Week (Growth) - conducting lots of fun science experiments, such as making little volcanoes with different ingredients. The children were fascinated and enjoyed watching the lava bubble up and over. We also had fun looking at worms in Welly Wood, and measuring them - finding out which were the longest and shortest, using the tape measure. We also planted grass seeds, herbs and rubber beans and got the potatoes ready to plant - talking about what they will need to grow. Over the coming weeks the children will be watching, looking at their growth and measuring them - extending their knowledge and understanding of the world and how things grow.

W/C 7th March 


This week nursery, the children had lots of fun on a very windy day in Welly Wood - watching the effects of the wind as they held up sheets of paper and the wind blowing the paper, making it fly like a kite. Leading on from this, the children used their creative skills to make their very own kites and decorate them with triangles and other shapes, pipe cleaners and other shiny resources and sequins - talking about the different shapes they used.

W/C 28th February 


This week in nursery, the children wanted to build a car wash for the outdoor cars - the children used crates, hoses and other resources to build it, and we used a chalk board to make a sign for the car wash and the price. The children enjoyed washing the cars and driving their cars through the car wash. We also had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day. We read lots of lovely books, and the children voted for their favourite book - placing a counter in front of their choice, and the winner with the most votes was "The Gruffalo", which we then read to the children. We also read "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", and the children had fun acting out the story. We made some porridge together, and the children had lots of fun playing with the porridge - stirring and exploring and feeling the texture with their hands, and talking about how it felt to touch. 

W/C 14th February 


This week in nursery, the children had lots of outdoor fun - making mud pies in the mud kitchen, and the children built their very own Lamborghini car using crates, tyres, a pipe and the bendy tube as the steering wheel to drive the car. The children also used different colour chalks to mark make and draw a Lamborghini car on our nursery play ground. Finally, the children enjoyed marble painting - rolling marbles in the different colour paint to mix the colours and produce some colourful patterns on their marble pictures. 

W/C 7th February 2022

This week in nursery, as part of Mental Health Awareness week, we talked about our emotions. Every morning the children were invited to express how they were feeling - by placing a counter next to their choice of emotion on our emotions table. The children also used their own critical thinking skills to create their very own Valentine's cards for Valentine's Day. In Welly Wood, the children also enjoyed building a bird's nest with sticks and twigs, and found some feathers which they placed in the middle to represent the birds. 

W/C 31st January 2022


This week in nursery we celebrated Chinese New Year! We had our very own Chinese restaurant, where the children could buy noodles, rice and other Chinese food, and had a go using chopsticks to practice their fine motor skills. 


The children made lucky Chinese envelopes, and because this is the year of the Tiger - the children made colourful tiger masks and painted stripes on them. The children even learnt some Chinese - answering the register with “NÄ­hÇŽo”and enjoyed doing some Chinese writing - with black paint, using their gross motor skills. The children also had fun doing a dragon dance to music

W/C 24th January 2022


This week in nursery we celebrated the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch week. The children enjoyed learning about the different birds and listening to, and searching for different birds on our visits to Welly Wood. The children used their fine motor skills to mark make as they ticked off the different birds they found on the bird checklist. The children also used their creative skills to make and decorate their own binoculars to help spot the birds with. We also made our very own Birdwatch house, which the children decorated using paint and sponges. The children took it in turns to sit inside and look through the different shape windows and had lots of fun birdwatching. 

W/C 17th January 2022

This week in nursery the children had fun using their creative and fine motor skills to mark make - using paint, cotton buds, feathers and thin brushes to create their own pictures. They also used their fine motor skills to thread cheerios on to the pipe cleaners placed in the potatoes. The children also enjoyed mixing the different colour paints in the trays - using their hands and gross motor skills to mix the colours together and form letters or shapes in the paint with their fingers.

W/C 10th January 2022

This week in nursery we had a great adventure in Welly Wood. We read "We're Going on a Bear Hunt", and the children had fun acting out the story - travelling in different ways and going "squelch, squerch" through the mud. And at the end, we even found the bear, in the pretend cave! 


The children also worked together as a group to build their own brilliant house, with bricks and sticks from the wood, using their creative and critical thinking skills. 

This week, one child brought in a Koala bear story book, which we enjoyed reading together. Through in the moment planning, we then went on to talk about Australia, to extend their knowledge and understanding. We also looked at the world map and different country's flags. Then in the afternoon, the children used their creative skills to create their own flags. Well done children! 


W/C 14th December 2021

Today in nursery we learnt about the Christmas story. We went to Welly Wood and the children took it in turns - being Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, three kings, angels and the children enjoyed acting out the Christmas story.

W/C 9th December 2021

This week in nursery we have been learning about the Christian tradition of Christingles, and the children had fun making their own Christingles. The children decorated oranges - which represented the world, with cocktail sticks representing the four seasons, dried fruit representing all of God's creations, and a candle which reminds Christians of Jesus, light of the world.

W/C 22nd November 2021

This week in nursery we had lots of outdoor fun in Welly Wood - the children lay down in the leaves and, using their gross motor skills, moved their arms and legs being "Leaf Angels", making angel patterns in the leaves. The children also used their creative skills to make an owl and caterpillar with the leaves, and decorated with pine cones, twigs and stones for the eyes, nose and mouth. The children also had fun making paper planes and experimenting with flying the planes from different heights. 

W/C 15th November 2021

This week in nursery we had lots of outdoor fun in Welly Wood with the autumn leaves - brushing different colour paint on the leaves and seeing the patterns the leaves made on the paper as we printed them. We also played the parachute game with the leaves laid on top of the parachute, and we then counted before lifting the parachute up and watching the leaves fly up into the sky, and fall down all around us.
At the end of the week we had fun celebrating Children in Need. The children decorated biscuits with spots, had fun finger painting to decorate Pudsey's bandage with different colour paint, and in another activity used pinchers to pick up and decorate the bandage with different colour pom-poms, using their gross motor skills.

W/C 8th November 2021

This week in nursery we learned about and celebrated Remembrance. In Welly Wood the children used red leaves gathered from inside the wood and pine cones to make a poppy. The children also had a go at bark rubbing using their gross motor skills - making pictures and looking at the patterns the bark made on the paper. We also made our very own Remembrance castle with a drawbridge the children took it in turns to control, and the children loved decorating the outside making brick patterns with stamps - using the sponges dipped in paint. We also observed a minute silence on Remembrance Day to remember the fallen soldiers and we listened to The Last Post remembrance song.

W/C 1st November 2021

This week in nursery we had lots of fun learning about Diwali, Bonfire night and fireworks. The children enjoyed decorating the Diwali Rangoli patterns with the coloured rice - using their creative and fine motor skills and exploring colour and texture. The children created their very own Diwali house, which they decorated with colourful scarves and had a go at drawing their own Rangoli patterns on the house, such as the peace sign, using their fine motor skills.
In Welly Wood the children had fun building a bonfire, and learning about Bonfire night. The children also had fun creating their own fireworks pictures - using cut up paper tubes and cotton reels dipped in brightly coloured paint to make beautiful fireworks patterns. 

W/C 18th October 2021

This week in nursery we have had lots of fun with autumn resources. The children made pumpkin soup and mixed flour in to make it thicker, had fun putting elastic bands around pumpkins using their gross motor skills, as well as being creative with leaf painting and used their imaginations and construction resources to build a house and decorating their creation using conkers, pine cones and jewels.

W/C 11th October 2021

This week in nursery we have been learning about Autumn, and exploring lots of different autumn resources like pumpkins, sweetcorn, autumn leaves, and conkers. The children enjoyed hammering golf tees into pumpkins - using their gross motor skills and hand eye co-ordination; getting creative making faces and hedgehogs with the autumn leaves they collected in WellyWood; and creating a beautiful picture rolling the conkers in different colour paint.

W/C 27th Sept 2021

This week in nursery we enjoyed two exciting visits to Welly Wood. We welcomed the new children - showing them all around the wood, before letting the children explore and have fun making patterns with leaves, and playing in the "car" - sitting in the tyres and taking it in turns to be the driver.
The children also enjoyed doing different numeracy activities with the runner beans picked from our nursery garden - counting and measuring them - to see which was the longest and shortest. The children also got creative junk modelling - building their own rockets from the craft materials and sending them to space!

W/C 20th Sept 2021 - Welcome Back 

We were so excited to welcome back the older children and couldn't wait to meet all the new children joining our nursery - we hope you all had a brilliant summer. 
The children have had a lovely week -  building their own villages out of the construction resources, investigating shells, looking at how our beautiful nursery garden has grown and changed over the summer - our beanstalk and sunflowers had grown so big! This lead on to us counting runner beans in a numeracy activity. We also enjoyed taking a closer look at nature - watching the bees on the sunflowers and we talked about what bees do - collecting pollen and nectar, bringing it back to the hive and making honey.
W/C 13th June