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St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

We inspire, care and believe to enjoy, share and achieve.
Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

Nursery - Interested in joining our Nursery?

If you are interested in finding out more about our Nursery, please email and Mrs S Bailey, Business Support for Nursery, will be happy to assist. 

Our usual process is to offer a tour of the Nursery to enable Parents/Carers to see the space and ask any questions they may have. We also have several open days throughout which are locally advertised.

The 'Introduction' tab will give you an insight into the ethos of our nursery and the staff that work with the children.

Please see our 'Nursery Blog' tab for examples of activities the children are involved in within our setting. Nursery Blog

Nursery Application Pack

Please find below, a link to the application pack for Nursery. St Kenelm's CE Primary School Nursery Application Pack

If you wish your child to access funded childcare, please see the information below and a link to an additional pack to complete.


Funded Childcare

Please find a link below to the Funded Childcare Pack which includes a Parent Declaration Form, if you wish your child to access funding at our Nursery.

Funded Childcare Pack


How to return documents and provide Birth Certificate evidence

Please complete and return these forms to the school office, by post, in person or by email to 

If you wish to return the pack in person, please inform Mrs. Bailey via email at with the day and approximate time of your visit. This will allow us to notify the office staff of your intention to attend the site. Birth certificates can also be viewed in this way. Thank you.

3- and 4-year-old funding

15 'Universal' hours

All 3- and 4-year-olds are eligible for 570 free childcare hours per year, which commences the term following their 3rd birthday - academic terms are (1st January 1st April or 1st September). This is a maximum of 15 hours per week over 38 weeks of the year. These are known as 'Universal' hours and they can be used across multiple settings.

15 'Additional' hours

If you (and your partner if applicable) meet the criteria, your child could be entitled to a total of 30 hours childcare per week, to include the 15 'Universal' hours and 15 'Additional' hours. Once a '30 Hour Eligibility Code' is obtained from HMRC, the additional funding hours are allocated from the next funding period, or academic term - 1st January 1st April 1st September.

Please visit to check eligibility and access a '30 Hour Eligibility Code'. 

NB: If you wish your child to access 30 hours of care funding codes should be accessed the term before wishing to start nursery - (by 31st August for September start, 31st December for January start and 31st March for April start).

Nursery Information packs

Please click here headed 'Information and Guidance' for leaflets and letters providing further information for children starting in our Nursery.