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St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

We inspire, care and believe to enjoy, share and achieve.
Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School


Please find below information with regards to Attendance.


 Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 states that “The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him/her to receive efficient full-time education suitable to his/her age, ability and aptitude and to any special educational needs he/her may have, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise”.

  Attendance information for parents


All absence in term-time will be unauthorised unless there are exceptional circumstances.

 If you need to remove your child from school during term time – it is essential that an application form - ‘Request for absence during term time’ is completed - see below...

Request for leave of absence during term time


Please refer to the Policies section for our Attendance Policy.