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St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

We inspire, care and believe to enjoy, share and achieve.
Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

Admissions information

We understand that the choice of school for your child is an important one. At St. Kenelms, we believe that our approach to learning, values and environment are all ones which are conducive to a child’s development.

We believe that in order to choose a school for your child, it is imperative to get an understanding of the school ethos. As a result we do not hold prospective parents evenings but believe that a one to one walk around the school on a school day with our Head is more appropriate and exhibits our approach generally within the school. If you are interested in visiting our school, please contact the school office on 01562 710214.

Admission of Pupils

Our admission’s policy and procedures are approved of and reviewed annually by the governing body.  We offer admission to all Reception age children in the September of the year of their fifth birthday, i.e. birthdays between 1st September & 31st August.  There will be a part-time element to this at the beginning of the Autumn Term for all pupils.  This is based on recommendation by Early Years Specialists and taking into account parental feedback

It is helpful if parents register their children for admission well in advance so that we can organise our classes in school. The final date of application is January prior to the year of entry.  A series of visits are arranged for new children to ensure a happy transfer into our school community.  Time is set aside for parents to view the school in action, and to discuss our school routines.

The school pupil admission number is 28.  

Allocation of Places/docs/admission_policy_2024_co_vc_first-primary_schools.pdf

The allocation of places to St. Kenelm’s is undertaken by the School Admissions and Transfers Section within Worcestershire County Council via the online School Admissions portal.

Applications are made online at;

 To view the Worcestershire County Council Admissions Policies please click here

The following outlines the LEA priorities when there is pressure on places:-

  1. Looked after children.
  2. Pupils living with the catchment area of the school:
  3. Pupils who would still have a brother or sister (sibling connection) at school at the time of admission.  In order to qualify for a place on the grounds of a brother/sister (sibling) attending the school, the sibling must already be attending the school at the time of application and still be attending at the time of admission;
  4. Pupils who have significant reason for admission, such reasons, the validity of which will be determined by the Directorate of Educational Services, will include medical, social or compassionate grounds.  Parents are required to produce a medical certificate or other appropriate information from an independent source.  (Significant reasons will not be considered unless supporting information is attached to your application form when submitted);
  5. Pupils who were attending a feeder school at the time of application;
  6. Pupils who live nearest to the school by the shortest available walking route.

Haybridge Pyramid

The Pyramid includes the following schools:

  • Haybridge High School (11-18 years)
  • St Kenelm's Primary (rising 5 – 11 years)
  • Belbroughton  Primary (rising 5 – 11 years)
  • Clent Primary (rising 5 – 11 years)
  • Blakedown Primary (rising 5 – 11 years)
  • Hagley Primary (rising 5 – 11 years)

The main aim of schools is to foster the educational and social development of its children by providing a broad and balanced curriculum within stimulating learning environments.  External examination results are excellent thus reflecting high standards in all the schools.

There is very close liaison between Heads, staff and pupils across all schools e.g. Arts Festivals, Shakespeare Workshops and Pyramid Orchestra. Children come together for a variety of activities.  The Technology status of Haybridge High already means children and staff from all schools have the benefits of sharing resources and training.  A careful programme of integration is planned for all Year 6 children prior to moving onto their High School.